Top 5 Reasons Business Owners Should Have a Business Coach

business coach business owners Mar 01, 2023

ONE: Keeps you Accountable

When you’re an employee your boss typically will keep you accountable to do certain tasks, reach certain targets or change and improve processes.  When you are the boss you’re often so caught up in working in the business that you don’t make yourself accountable or take the time out of your business to work on your business.  That's where a business coach comes in. Our role is to make you accountable.  When you’ve committed to do something to someone else it’s much more likely you will actually do it!

TWO: Forces you to take time out of your business to work on your business

The biggest challenge for most business owners is that you spend all your time working in your business and getting pulled from this task to that task that you don't feel you have time to actually “plan for growth” or “plan how you want your business to look”!  As business coaches, we commit you to take time out of your business and prioritise this time so that you can take your business to the next level whatever that looks like.  Without change, there is no change!

THREE: Gets your creative juices flowing

A good business coach will get you thinking outside of the box!  One of the great things about what business coaches do is they ask you the right questions to help you work out what it is you really want to achieve.  Many business owners don’t know what they want or why they want it - we are there to get you thinking and encourage you to be creative and think outside the box.  We also have a wide understanding of many different businesses and industries so often we might have a creative twist that may really help you with your vision or how to get there.   This is the fun bit!!

FOUR: Helps keeps you motivated

A business coach is not your motivator, you need to be self-motivated, however, having regular catch-ups and a clear action plan will automatically help you be more self-motivated.

FIVE: Helps you create a vision for your business and your life

Often the hardest thing that business owners have to work out is what they actually want out of their business and how they want it to ideally look and perform.  Often as humans, we set self-imposed limits to what we can achieve.  We are too scared to dream big.  I bet if you asked most high-achieving sports people what their vision was, most of them set the bar pretty high and then worked towards achieving that dream over many years.  They just didn't get to the top of their field by accident.  Business is the same in many respects.