Get Out of Your Own Way and Create a Business you can be Proud Of 

#bosslady business business by design duo business coach business culture business owners business success cultural success culture female business owner leadership staff team women leaders Aug 10, 2023

I'm sure you've heard the saying "get out of your own way"!  Well, I think that as a business owner nothing is more true.  Many business owners I see are crippled by fear of failure or ridicule, or concern of something not being perfect before they implement it.  So, rather than giving things a go - they do nothing, or they start a project they think will be good for their business, but never actually implement it. 

Well, we are here to tell you that the only way you will have truly GREAT business is for you to get out of your own way and be prepared to fail sometimes.  Because, even if your “project or idea” doesn’t work, 2 things could happen.  One you will learn from it, or 2 you will come up with an idea to adapt what you’ve put in place and it will actually work in the long run.  And, even better than this, what if your idea actually works!!  

Probably where we have come to question our ideas before we go ahead with them is if we think that despite being a great idea or solution for the business, our team (or potentially our clients) won’t love the change so therefore wont embrace or support it.  In these circumstances we would brainstorm further.  We would think about how we could actually show or sell it to the team (or client) so that they could see a benefit to them, or adapt it slightly and include an incentive for the team of some sort.  This incentive may have been monetary, or it may have been a team competition etc with a prize or reward if the idea is implemented effectively. Or perhaps just to show them how it will make their life easier or give them more opportunities.  If your concept is truly good for the overall business, then you can likely find a way to get your team on board.

For some owners they want things to be perfectly planned before they are rolled out.  Analysis paralysis!  Don’t let perfect get in the way of you growing or improving your business.  Generally when a new concept or idea is rolled out it will need some tweaking or improving over time… So, if an idea or new process is 90% right - I’d say (in most scenarios) - it's ready to go (not brain surgery though - if you haven’t got the new surgery right this is a scenario when you need the perfect process!)

So, we encourage you to put that idea into place, create that new process, or implement that new strategy.  Go on, plan it out and then present it to the team - or better yet get some key staff to help you create, roll out and implement it!  If you can make the team part of the solution they will be much more likely to get on board!

P.S.  If you're looking to review your business, implement new processes or implement/ improve your customer service program then check out our Free Business Resources Here