How to create an Action Plan for Success

action plan business by design duo goal setting planning day strategy Apr 11, 2024

Elaine and I have always gotten excited about an “Action Plan”.  After-all it’s not just any “plan” – it is one that is going to be put into “ACTION!”. This means that positive changes are going to happen and we are a step closer to achieving our goals.


The key to getting a solid action plan in place is to spend some time getting clarity around your goals, both short and long term, and putting these in writing.   A great way to do this is a planning day (click here for ideas on running planning days).  You can do a planning day with all your team, or you can do one with just the business owner/s and key mentors; who and how depends upon the outcomes you are looking for. 


Your goals could be to increase revenue, expand market share, improve customer satisfaction, or launch a new product, establishing specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) objectives is critical for providing direction and focus.


Once you have identified your goals, the next step is to develop a strategic plan outlining how you will achieve them. It may involve updating certain processes, recruiting new staff, extra training and development, connecting with people or organisations that can assist you in achieving your goals.


With your strategic plan in place, the next phase is to create an action plan detailing the specific steps and tasks necessary to execute your strategies. Assigning responsibilities, setting deadlines, and establishing key performance indicators (KPIs) are crucial for monitoring progress and ensuring accountability. Regularly reviewing and adjusting your action plan based on feedback and performance data can help you stay on track and make informed decisions.


Implementing an action plan for your business requires effective communication, collaboration, and leadership. Engaging and motivating your team, providing resources and support, and fostering a culture of innovation and continuous improvement are essential for driving execution and achieving results.  It’s also important to be clear that you as the business owner or leader are not expected to do all the “actions”, it is important to delegate our responsibility and check in regularly with those you delegate to.


So, what are you waiting for? Take Action!  Set up a time in your diary to clarify your goals, plan out your strategy to achieve them and then create an action plan!  


If you would like to access some of our free resources that may help you with this journey click here to view our downloadable resources.