What Makes You a Great Leader?

#bosslady #leadership #team #womeninbusiness business by design duo business coach business owners business set up business success communication ideas culture female business owner girl boss mum boss profit womeninbusiness Jul 27, 2023
What Makes You a Great Leader?

As I sit here starting to write this blog, I'm starting to think, what sets apart one leader from another? What makes one person a great leader in their business that everyone admires, while others struggle to make things happen and get their team to do what they want? There are, of course, a number of things, and it's not a simple answer, but "success leaves clues," as one of my mentors used to say. So here are just some of the "clues" Elaine and I have picked up along the way.



Firstly, I believe the majority of great leaders actually think about what type of leader they want to be. They don't just go out there and lead without considering how they come across or how their actions will impact the perception of their team and clients. So, be acutely aware that you are a "Leader" and that everything you do and say will make an impact or impression on your team. Is your behavior and what you are saying projecting great leadership?



"It's not what you say, it's how you say it" - this is one of my all-time favorite sayings. I would preach this to my staff all the time. And Elaine and I would often quote this to each other before we went into a difficult discussion with a staff member or client. It's a reminder that we can get the message across in a way that will be perceived the best and also make the impact we actually want it to make. For example, if you need to give a staff member a warning, what is it you are trying to achieve? Do you actually want the staff member to improve and stay within the business, or is it someone who really does not fit the culture and causes a lot of issues? How you handle and speak to those two different people would be different as you are potentially looking for different outcomes. Before you go into meetings like that, really prepare what you want to say and how you are going to say it. Don't rush in with no plan!



When was the last time you actually did leadership training? In fact, have you ever done leadership training before? It is naive to think you can just open a business and suddenly you are a great leader. Opening the business is the easy part; growing a great team and a great business takes strong leadership with clarity of purpose - it takes a plan, and it doesn't happen by accident. It needs to be communicated and then implemented by the leader with the team. So, I recommend two things: find a mentor who is a leader you really admire and have regular catch-ups with them (this could be a friend, colleague, or business coach) and book yourself into some leadership training! I can almost guarantee that great leaders in business and the world will all have invested time and money into leadership training. It could be as simple as reading leadership books, doing a course, or one-on-one coaching. (And yes, we offer both one-on-one coaching and have a leadership course in case you didn't know 😉 )



We are all human, and we all make mistakes - yes, even you! A strong leader that is admired by their team will own up to a mistake. So, if you make the wrong judgment call or say the wrong thing, don't be afraid to say sorry or admit you could have handled something better. Being vulnerable in this way grows your credibility in the eyes of staff and clients.


If you are curious to explore your leadership style more and improve the outcomes in your business through your leadership, then we are more than happy to organize a 15-minute scope out call to see if our one-on-one coaching or our 8 Week Leadership & Culture Bootcamp might be suited to you.


Happy Leading!