Why Creativity is the Key to a Great Business, and How to get your Creative Juices Flowing

#leadership business by design duo business culture creative leaders creativity girl boss Oct 04, 2023
Creativity in Leadership


Creativity is one of the most important things a business owner should continue to foster within themselves if they wish to have a thriving business that is ahead of the curve.   It is the driving force for growth, innovation, and adaptability in business. It helps companies stay relevant, differentiate themselves, and navigate the challenges of a dynamic marketplace, ultimately contributing to their long-term success and viability.  In addition, a creative leader is more likely to create a workplace that staff love working in and also keeps the business owner engaged and excited about their business.  

So, how as a business owner, do you keep the creative juices flowing, especially when you are busy, stressed and often stuck in the daily grind?  Well, it takes planning, awareness and prioritising!  Extreme stress is a definite killer of creativity, so it’s important to prioritise yourself and your mental wellbeing if you really want to continue to be innovative in your business.  Here are our top tips to creativity:

  1. Ensure you take time out of your business by taking regular holidays/breaks or long weekends away.  It's always good to have a little break or holiday to look forward to so you can destress and “find yourself again”.  Personally I like to always have a holiday or weekend away planned for the months ahead so that I know I have that time to look forward to and it is booked in my diary, no excuses.
  2. A Health and Wellness Retreat is the ABSOLUTE BEST!  I have personally been to Gaia Retreat near Byron Bay twice by myself.  It has genuinely been one of the best experiences of my life and I would recommend spending time in a place you love by yourself each year for 3-5 days.  This retreat is great because you can do as little or much as you want (yoga, walks, sound healing, eating lots of healthy and delicious food, gym, swimming, spa, cooking lessons, massages, facials etc etc).  It’s super nurturing and you can still have the little treats such as wine and coffee if you wish (some places are super strict).   I have literally “found myself” again both times I’ve been.
  3. Visit other business owners and businesses that you find inspiring.  Chat to the owners, find out what they have done and what they do to stay ahead of the curve.  We meet with another business owner at least once per month to pick their brain and be inspired.  Also, don’t just stay in your lane, chat to business owners from other industries!
  4. Book planning and creative time in your diary each week or each month and prioritise this time.  Make sure you do this out of your normal working environment.  I’ve done a previous Blog on “Planning Days”, so have a read of that if you want some more ideas around these. 
  5. Go for a walk at lunch time to take a break and clear your head - you’ll be much more productive/creative than working through.
  6. As ideas come to you, or you receive emails with ideas or inspiration write them down so you don’t forget them.  Elaine and I have always had a whiteboard in our office where we can write down ideas so we can come back to them to fully explore when we have the time set aside.
  7. Incorporate regular planning days into your year - ideally 4 per year minimum for YOU to work on your business (this is where you pull the list out of things you want to explore and go through them).
  8. Make sure your office and workspace is appealing to you.  Does it make you feel happy when you walk into it.  Do you like the layout, the colour and the smell, is there enough natural light?  Do you have some greenery around?  You may not be able to tick all the boxes, but tick as many as possible so that you smile when you walk into that space. How you feel in a space will affect how creative you are.  


Hopefully this has given you some inspiration to do what is needed in your work and personal life to get your head in the right space to be creative in your business.   As a business owner you need to be innovative, adaptable and ahead of the curve if you want to continue to grow and have a business you love and are proud of.  Creativity is the key, so get creative!!