Why Female Leaders need to prioritise their Health and Fitness

#leadership #womeninbusiness clarity of mind effective leadership elaine richards health and fitness healthy eating tamara lloyd women in business Aug 31, 2023

As a business owner or leader within a business you’re constantly juggling lots of balls in the air. In addition to managing all the things going on in the business at any one time, you’re also required to be creative,  looking at ways to improve or elevate the business.  If you’re exhausted, tired and becoming overwhelmed, juggling all the balls in the air successfully may seem impossible, and creativity is highly unlikely!  So, I wanted to explore some ways that your health and fitness can assist you in being a highly effective leader.

This week Elaine and I recorded a Podcast episode with friend and coaching client Kirsten Jones from SHE Studio (Albury).  Kirsten was the only person who managed to inspire me to enjoy weight training when I’d always hated gyms and any sort of organised fitness.  What I love about her (other than her great sense of humour) is that she has been there and gets the challenges women go through as they progress through the aging process.  She is also a busy mum, wife, business owner and understands that keeping fit and healthy needs to be simple and time efficient.

During our interview with her it was great to understand a bit of the science behind weight training and why this is soooo good for our mind and our bodies.

Physical fitness is extremely important because it makes you clear your mind.  Quite literally, whilst you are focussed on doing the right thing with the weights your mind is focussed on just that!  It’s actually a form of meditation I’m sure!   And,  it can bring out the best in you. It is important to entrepreneurs and business owners to relieve themselves from stress and clear their minds for new ideas.

Below I’ve put together our Top Tips: 6 Simple Health & Fitness Ideas Busy Women:


  1. Make Sure You Sleep Well

By far, the most important common denominator for well-being is sleep. While we sleep many important functions take place that help the body in physical recovery and repair, support brain development, cardiac function and body metabolism, as well as support learning, improving memory and mood.  So, if you don’t have sufficient sleep or a good sleep routine, it’s essential to get some help and get it on track.


  1. Get walking

Do some sort of exercise each day – 20-30 minutes is better than nothing.  A walk in fresh air at lunch time is the perfect way to break up your day and clear your head for the afternoon.


  1. Weight Training has massive benefits

Consider doing weight training.  Even 2 times a week will make a massive difference (listen to our Podcast 14 with Kirsten Jones – you’ll be converted). You’ll be stronger, your metabolism will work better (it may also help with weight loss or management), your skin will be better and you’ll think more clearly.  There are lots of options from joining a 24 hour gym (like I have), having weights set up at home, to having a Personal Trainer.  I would recommend getting a PT to assist you getting set up so you have the right posture etc, then seeing a PT at least every couple of months to keep you on the right track and switching up your program.


  1. Eat well, get help if you need!

Eating well and regularly is really important.  So, maybe if you feel you don’t have time, or don’t enjoy cooking (or coming up with ideas).  Look at one of the Healthy pre packaged, or pre organised options for you (and your family).  Some places to start might be

  • Lite n Easy
  • Marley Spoon
  • My Muscle Chef
  • Healthy Choice
  • Hello Fresh

Otherwise there are plenty of options when you google simple healthy meals to give you some inspiration – maybe get the kids cooking.  My 14 year old daughter now cooks once per week which is a great help.

Having healthy snacks on hand is great too like nut mixes, fruit, high protein yogurt, boiled eggs, tuna cans and baked beans.


  1. Develop A Morning Routine

A morning routine that includes elements such as meditation, working out, a healthy breakfast and daily journaling creates a consistent foundation to start each day off right. Celebrate your wins, no matter how big or small. Finally, know your go-to method of clearing your headspace, whether it’s walking, running, hiking, reading, meditating or another activity. 


  1. Create a Plan

When we coach business owners, we discuss how their physical well-being is essential. In order to maintain focus and a high level of energy, healthy habits need to be implemented consistently. Be specific and outline a game plan of what you will do and how often you will do it, then measure and reflect on your progress.  If you don’t spend the time creating a plan it’s unlikely you’ll create the change needed to improve your health and fitness.

So, hopefully you have been inspired to create a plan of action for your health and wellness and get help from the experts where needed.  To be the most effective leader you can be – your mental and physical health is vital.

If you want to listen to our Podcast with Kirsten Jones from SHE Studio (podcast 14).  Head to businessbydesignduo.com.au/podcast or search on Spotify or Apple for Her Business By Design Podcast.  Kirsten Jones Instagram @shestudio.com.au