The Key to Successful Change Management #leadership business by design duo business culture change management Apr 18, 2024

Implementing change in your business or your life can be hard.  In fact, if it were easy more people would do it more often.  There is a...

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How Leadership Archetypes relate to You and Your Team & how they help you to run a Strong Harmonious Business #leadership #team archetypes business culture business growth businessbydesignduo culturetalk recruitment Feb 21, 2024

This is an area of study and learning that Elaine and I have become increasingly passionate about.  If you haven’t already read our Oct...

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Why Pasta and Recruitment don’t mix! #leadership #team business culture business owner recruitment retention staff Feb 15, 2024

You’re probably wondering what the heck I’m going on about?  I will get to that I promise!  But first a little...

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6 Tips to setting yourself and your business up for success in 2024 annual review business culture culture growth leadership reflection setting yourself up for success Dec 07, 2023

It’s that time of year when you are either working like crazy to get everything sorted before Christmas, or you are finally starting to wind...

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Are your business processes and systems causing your staff stress and costing you money? #leadership business by design duo business coach business culture business owner change management culture improvement leadership processes systems Nov 22, 2023

I was chatting to a friend the other day who mentioned how stressful her work is at the moment.  She loves the company she works for, the...

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Do you need to Fall-In-Love with your Business again? #leadership boss lady business by design duo business culture business owner fall in love with your business leadership archetype management style Nov 17, 2023

I think for many business owners just the title of this Blog will be an ah ha  moment.  When things don’t seem to be going your way...

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What are Leadership Archetypes, and Where did they Come from? #leadership #team archetypes business culture businessowner girlboss Oct 27, 2023

As you may know Elaine and I have created a short 5 minute Leadership Archetype Quiz which you can take here: Archetype Leadership Quiz.


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Mentoring Your Team for Leadership Progression #leadership #team #womeninbusiness business culture communication management mentoring Oct 19, 2023

We've recently had several discussions with businesses regarding employees who excel in their job but struggle with their communication and...

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Why Creativity is the Key to a Great Business, and How to get your Creative Juices Flowing #leadership business by design duo business culture creative leaders creativity girl boss Oct 04, 2023


Creativity is one of the most important things a business owner should continue to foster within themselves if they wish to have a thriving...

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How to Best Manage Change in your Business to Minimise Stress and Maximise Positivity. #leadership business by design duo business coach business culture change management small business women in business Sep 07, 2023

Change is one of those things that is inevitable, however it’s something that can be very challenging for some people, yet exhilarating for...

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Who Make The BEST Leaders? #leadership business by design duo business culture elaine richards leadership styles strong leadership tamara lloyd women in business Aug 24, 2023

Well, I guess you know that the answer to this question is not going to be a simple one.  So, let's start with the different leadership...

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How Team Planning Days Can Shape Your Business business by design duo business culture collaboration creative thinking cultural success leadership planning days Aug 17, 2023

Creating a great business is best done through collaboration - well that's our opinion anyway!  Having a process to invite feedback and...

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The Awesome Customer Journey Checklist

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